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A Profile of HNCFS

Hainan College of Foreign Studies (HNCFS), founded in 1947, is the sole full-time public vocational college of foreign languages in Hainan, offering the most complete range of language-related majors. HNCFS, which steadily developed into the second municipally and provincially co-constructed college in the province in 2012, gained the official approval of constructing itself into a provincial-level “Double-High College” in April 2022.

Situated in Wenchang City, home to China’s first coastal satellite launch center, the college covers a total area of 850 mu and is blessed with the advantageous teaching conditions. It has more than 50 advanced training rooms and nearly 100 off-campus internship and training bases all over the country. It has also established the bases for some provincial academic institutes, such as the National Institute of Vocational Education (Hainan Branch), the Hainan Social Science Popularization Model Base, the ASEAN Languages and Cultures Popularization Model Base, Hainan Research Center for Applied Foreign Languages, and National Vocational Skill Appraisal Office.

The college has more than 40 majors concerning 18 foreign languages such as English, Japanese, Korean, Russian, German, French, Spanish, Portugal, Italian, Thai Language, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Arabic, Burmese, Cambodian, Malay, Lao and Filipino. The college boasts an enrollment of over 6,700 students and more than 400 faculty and staff, including around 30 foreign teachers. It has also engaged a significant number of visiting professors from the renowned universities and research institutions both at home and abroad, as well as experts from various industries.

Talent Cultivation

HNCFS unswervingly follows the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and stays committed to cultivating talent for the Party and the country. The college upholds the fundamental task of fostering virtue by education while embracing its motto of “Connecting the World, Developing to the Full.” To better serve the needs of Hainan’s four key industries, the college focuses on nurturing high-quality “FL+” applied talents with strong patriotism, international vision and cross-cultural communication skills. Consistently driven by a passion for high-quality development, the college has achieved remarkable results in talent cultivation. Over the years, students have made the outstanding achievements in various competitions concerning translation, speech, skills, and sports. Notably, in the past five years alone, the students have earned over 100 national-level awards, including 2 National Special-Class Prizes and 8 National First Prizes, as well as more than 400 provincial-level awards. The college has repeatedly distinguished herself among the universities and colleges in Hainan, securing numerous National Grand Prizes and National First Prizes in prestigious competitions, such as the National English Debating Competition, the English Writing Contest, the Japanese Proficiency Competition, the BETT National Business English Translation Competition, the “Innovation and Entrepreneurship Cup” National Management Decision Simulation Competition, and the National Supply Chain Competition. Additionally, the college takes pride in producing exemplary individuals, recognized as “The Self-improvement Stars of Chinese College Students,” “The Self-improvement Stars of Hainan College Students,” and “Excellent Communist Youth League Members.”

The Teaching Staff and Faculty

HNCFS possesses over 400 teaching staff and faculty members, including approximately 30 foreign teachers. Among them, more than 180 people hold postgraduate degrees, and over 70 have senior professional technical titles. Noticeably, 63% of the full-time teachers have attained Master’s Degree or Doctor’s Degree. The college boasts 59 High-level talents, including 6Top-notch talents. The college has been implementing the strategy of talent-driven development. So far, the college has engaged a number of influential domestic experts of language teaching, exceptional overseas returned talents, and senior specialists from the foreign trade and tourism industries. The college has also successfully cultivated a multitude of provincial-level Distinguished Teachers and backbone teachers, while engaging a weath of visiting professors from esteemed institutions both at home and abroad, as well as experts from various industries. A comprehensive plan for teachers’ career development and skill enhancement has been carried out, which includes selecting the teachers to go abroad for further study and training, and offering opportunities for on-the-job placements in enterprises. Through the concerted efforts we’ve built an outstanding teaching team led by experts, integrating Chinese and foreign educators, and combining the full-time and part-time teachers. Furthermore, in the past five years, the teachers have won over 200 provincial-level honors and awards and more 50 national-level ones. Due to the outstanding achievements we have made, we have established two provincial high-level professional teacher teams, specializing in applied foreign languages and international business. We also actively cultivate several college-level high-level professional teacher teams in the fields of tourism management, ASEAN languages, European languages, etc.


To better align with the “Belt and Road” Initiative (BRI) and contribute to the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port (FTP), HNCFS has expanded the offerings of foreign languages from 12 to 18, achieving full coverage of ASEAN languages. With the aim of nurturing well-rounded professionals with strong language competence, the college has been prioritizing the versatility and adaptability of each language. The college has achieved the goal by promoting “Five-fold Education” (Moral, Intellectual, Physical, Aesthetic and Labor education), fostering entrepreneurship and innovation practice, and enriching the curriculum with the regional culture. The college has also implemented a teaching framework that seamlessly integrates teaching, learning, training, practical application, and assessment. So far, the college has structured a professional layout with foreign language majors at its core, flanked by majors in business, trade and tourism services, while also incorporating humanities and arts majors (referred to as “One Core, Two Wings, and One Enhancement Point”). The Applied Foreign Language Specialty Cluster and the International Business Specialty Cluster have been successfully selected for inclusion in the provincial high-level specialty cluster construction project, and the Applied English major was rated A in GDI Ranking of Higher Vocational Colleges (2023). The college continues to deepen the reform of the scientific research evaluation system and increase the funding of building a “3+N” (referring to 3 bases and multiple centers) academic research application system. The journal “Contemporary Foreign Language Education” the college founded was included in the AMI Comprehensive Evaluation Report of Chinese Collections of Humanities and Social Sciences (2022). In the past few years, the faculty has undertaken more than 160 scientific research projects at or above the provincial level, and published more than 600 papers and over 80 scholarly books and textbooks.

International Exchange and Cooperation

HNCFS bolsters its efforts in supporting Hainan’s transformation into the “Pacesetting Island for International-oriented Education”. The college continuously boosts educational exchanges and cooperation with countries along the Belt and Road, especially the ASEAN nations, providing abundant opportunities for both the faculty and students to engage in overseas study, paid internships and social practice. It infuses internationalization into all aspects of its operations, including talent development, research, social services, and management. With a steadfast focus on the BRI and the internationalized talent cultivation, the college has been exploring diverse forms of cross-border education cooperation. Each year, the college attracts foreign students, particularly those from colleges in the Belt and Road countries, to study here. We’ve also hosted a variety of short-term training classes and further-study programs for teachers in partnership with global educational institutions. Besides, the college has also forged cooperation agreements with more than 50 universities and colleges worldwide, facilitating short-term study tours, introducing high-quality courses, and promoting flexible education programs such as “3 + 1,” “2 + 2,” and “2 + 3” to aid students in advancing to university or even postgraduate levels. Thanks to the school’s international exchange and cooperation platform, a considerable number of excellent students have participated in overseas studies and exchanges in recent years. Since 2020, many outstanding graduates have gained admission to universities in Russia, Thailand and other countries to pursue Master’s Degrees.

Social Services

HNCFS has intensified efforts to strengthen the construction of a multilingual service talent team. Teachers and students volunteers are annually selected for major international events in Hainan, such as the Boao Forum for Asia (BFA), the China International Consumer Products Expo (CICPE), the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation in Agriculture (FOCACA), and the Nanyang Culture Festival. The college was awarded the “Diamond Cooperation Unit” of the BFA Annual Conference 2022 for students’ volunteer work, and was commended by the organizing committee of the CICPE for many times. The college has played a proactive role in Hainan’s action to comprehensively improve the foreign language proficiency of citizens. The measures taken include launching the “Woodpecker” Action to rectify errors on the foreign language signage in public places, and providing multi-language and foreign-related business training for civil servants and the public security police. The college has also organized the oral English training for primary and secondary school teachers in this province during the summer vacation for consecutive years, and created a foreign language education and training brand—”Sunshine & Smile” in Hainan’s primary and secondary schools. In addition, through its innovative “Media + College” cooperation model, the college works as a partner of  to build the Hainan International Media Center (HIMC), better telling Hainan’s stories, making FTP’s voice heard and enhancing its global visibility. The college has been actively engaged in combating the COVID-19 pandemic and alleviating poverty. During the pandemic, Multiple teams of cadres and teachers were assigned to support epidemic prevention and control on the island, and were commended by both the Organization Department of the CPC Hainan Provincial Committee and the Education Department of Hainan Province. Nine cadres were dispatched for targeted poverty reduction and rural revitalization in Zupo Village, Xinzu Town of Ding’an County, Matou Village, Dongjiao Town of Wenchang City, and Penglai Village of Penglai Town respectively. Among them, two first secretaries were awarded the title of “Provincial Outstanding Individual for Poverty Alleviation”, and the college’s paired assistance was rated “Excellent” twice in the whole province.

Today, the college is devoted to pursuing high-quality development on every undertaking under the guidance of the Party Building, developing into China’s first-class international high-level vocational college with distinctive features, openness and inclusiveness. HNCFS, through this endeavor, will make greater contributions to accelerating the development of Hainan Free Trade Port with Chinese characteristics and global influence.